Will I received feedback on my assessment?

1 min. readlast update: 12.04.2024
Although personalised feedback is not a feature of the course, if you are struggling to understand where you may have missed available marks, please contact us and speak to our learner support team, who will be able to provide a breakdown of the marks allocated to each question.
Candidates’ examination scripts will not be returned under any circumstances.
Please note that for students who are unsuccessful in their examination attempt, we do not offer remarks or arrange for the examiner to look at your script again. All scripts go through a stringent marking and review process before results are released.
We do have an appeal process, but please note that any application for appeal must be based on one of the three stipulated appeal grounds, information on which can be found in the Appeals Policy.  Appeals will not be accepted on the grounds of dissatisfaction with your mark.
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